*Council Meetings are held
second Wednesday of every month*
Starting at 8:00am at the RM Office
located in Duck Lake.
Remi Martin- Reeve
Remi was elected in as Reeve November 2020. Reeve Martin has lived in the RM of Duck Lake most of his life, and has successfully operated his own business in the RM for 15 years.
Raymond Gauthier - Division 1
Raymond was elected in November 2024. Councillor Gauthier grew up in the RM of Duck Lake, and has farmed in the RM most of his life.
Tyler Smith - Division 2
Tyler been elected in for his second term November 2018. Councillor Smith has spent most of his life living in the RM of Duck Lake, and has followed his passion in mixed farming.
Robert Bannerman Division 3
Devin Banach
Division 4
Gordon King
Division 6
Gordon Was elected in 2022. Councillor King has lived in the RM of Duck Lake since 1986, and is now retired after spending more that 40 years as a Civil Engineer.